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How to Remove Your Old Spray Tan

Your spray tan has run its course and it’s time to remove the remnants of your tan and prepare your skin for a new one. Always remember, your old spray tan must be faded completely and your skin must be perfectly fresh before you’re ready to spray again. This ensures a nice, even result. Spraying on top of bits of remaining spray tan will result in a patchy spray tan and unnatural coloring.

Here are some ideas to remove your old spray tan.

1. Take a hot shower (not scalding!) This will soften your skin and prepare it for an exfoliating session. Try using a home-made sugar scrub mixed with mineral oil. Mineral oil will help break up any stubborn patching and the sugar will help remove that top of layer of skin. You may need to repeat the process a couple times, but don’t scrub so much that you start to irritate your skin.

2. Soak in the tub. Much like the shower method, a bath will start to soften your skin and prepare it for exfoliating. You can use the same method described in tip number one, or you can take it one step further, and lather your skin in mineral oil for 30-60 minutes before your soak. Mineral oil helps break up those last little bit of your tan. In the bath use a mitt or a sugar scrub to exfoliate.

3. Head to your kitchen. There are some ingredients in your kitchen that can sometime be helpful.

a. Baking Soda: Mix a couple tablespoons of baking soda with a little bit of water to make a paste. Use the paste to gently rub away any stubborn spots.

b. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice: Instead of mixing the baking soda with water, add some lemon juice to it. Use the same method above to break up the tan.

c. Vinegar: Apple cider or white vinegar will do. Put on a cotton ball and rub the area.

4. Take a dip. If you are a swimmer, or love a good soak in the hot tub, dive right in. This method is almost foolproof. Chlorine will fade your tan quickly.

Now that you have a fresh canvas, we are ready to welcome you back for your next spray!

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